subject to karmic rules that enable other levels of existence to recycle the being through reincarnation back into bondage and Life Force extraction. And do the world controllers and their masters above them pay the price? Not as of yet, because they are still holding the documented papers that show them as the holders-in-due-course of the abandoned equity. Their claim is “Well they left here in debt, we hold the paper, we are the documentary creditors, so we’ll just exchange that equity as the creditor for our own karma and they will have that karmic burden attached to them while we walk away free”. Thus, the departed souls harvested on All Souls Day after All Hollow’s Eve, are karmically bound to the debt system and can be recycled to begin a new life cycle of bondage, harvesting and eternal ownership by the Company Store.
But as we have stated, if one severs the attachments of bonded suretyship, one has the status as a private man or woman on the Land with standing to state a claim. The public deeds can be acknowledged and accepted by the living being now in the capacity of Grantee. Every deed is issued by the State with a State actor acting as Grantor and thus we are the Grantee if we perfect the offer by our proactive act of acknowledgment and acceptance. This constitutes the perfection of the gift and by doing so we now have Equity to step in to our aid and support. When we do we control both sides of the trust. Once we collapse that particular trust we proceed forward to express a new trust, appoint new trustees and retain the equitable interests as the beneficiary. There is of course much more to how this works, but this is the essence
trustees and they now have the liability and the obligation to settle the public claims and our forced back into the Public Trust as civil servants to serve and support the beneficiaries, not the State. In that position we are no longer attached or bonded and we now stand On the Land as solvent (non-bankrupt) and not an enemy of the State, STATE or E-STATE. Concurrently, we place the debt obligation back onto the State and the trustees, who need only perform their fiduciary duties to avoid personal liability and fulfill the requirements of the Public Trust.
Thus We Ask the Question: What is Equity?
The simplest way to define Equity is to say it is the true value of any creative act. When our creativity is removed from the hologram of bondage discussed herein the true value creation is established unencumbered by debt or bond. This is why substantive rights of a truly free being are called unalienable because they cannot be liened (as a lien is a secured interest bonded to the item of value whether it is a home, a car or a living body). Equity is balance, equality in relationships, and the essence of true creation. Instead of one hundred million codes and statutes in the United States and many more throughout the world, Equity is established on twenty primary maxims, while common law is founded upon two principles (cause no harm and honor your contracts).
The twenty Maxims of Equity are a beautiful work of the human spirit developed over many