Case Study |
How We Increased Phone Calls And Online Quotes By An EXTRA 2,721 Leads Per Month… At No Extra Cost!
Jake Meah – Founder, Click Profits
Now, for a limited time only you can get these high converting Landing Page Templates for FREE
According to on average 50% of website visitors “bounce”. Which means, 50% of website visitors leave after viewing just one page.
I bet if we removed all the blogs, news sites, and social media sites from this statistic, then that figure would be a lot higher.
In fact, our own research supports this. From working with a lot local businesses, we’ve found that…
60-80% Of Website Visitors Leave In The First 10 Seconds!
This can have a huge impact on your advertising results.
So instead of panic, we developed a system to improve our clients website landing page. In order to improve their advertising results, and convert more of their website traffic into leads.
And today, I’m going to share it with you…
I’m going to show you how we consistently double, and even triple website leads using a simple landing page strategy. So you can implement this in your business, generate more leads, and make more money.
I’m also going to reveal the two biggest website mistakes. These mistakes lead to low conversions, expensive cost-per-lead, and eventually cause your advertising to fail. So make sure you read until the end.
But first, let me tell you how this all happened…
The $100,000 Website Mistake…
A few years ago I was working with a furniture removals client. They started their business back in 2001, and quickly grew to a national operation using mostly Pay-Per-Click Advertising.
I began working with them in 2010. Back then the financial crisis, combined with an influx of low price competition, was really hurting their business.
Determined to turn things around… they did what a lot of businesses would do – they went on a spending spree. And invested an obscene amount of money on a new website and backend booking system.
Two years and a hundred thousand dollars later, it launched…
…And it was a disaster!
In the first few months their cost-per-lead spiralled higher and higher, and results crashed.
It Bombed!
Their situation escalated from concerned to desperate… and with good reason.
Like so many businesses today, they relied heavily on this one traffic channel. And losing it threatened their business.
We had to do something. And fast…
At the time, I was learning a lot amount about website conversion. About how to design and structure a website to generate more leads and sales.
So I created a new landing page design and marketing message.
Within 48 hours the new landing page was ready. And within a few days it went live.
We launched in Western Australia. Results in Perth had declined so badly that their advertising could hardly support one removal truck.
It needed a lifeline! And it got it. We set the Landing Page live, and…
2,721 Extra Leads Per Month… At No Extra Cost!
2 leads… 5 leads… 12 leads… results continued to climb.
Then we launched nationwide, and over the next 30 days it generated an extra 2,721 leads. That’s 197% more phone calls and online quotes… all thanks to this landing page.
Leads increased from 1383 in April, to 4104 leads in May. And the average cost-per-lead dropped from $35.10 down to $12.04.
And the best part… they were heading into their low season.
We pulled in more leads during their low season, than they did during the peak of summer!
That landing page transformed their advertising. And got their business back on track!
Now, I openly admit, I had no idea it would work so well. Yet, after studying these techniques in detail, I now understand why.
The 2 Biggest Website Mistakes…
The problem is, most websites do not perform well with cold advertising traffic. I believe this happens for two main reasons:
1. Weak Marketing Message
Most websites do a poor job at communicating the key sales message.
When a prospect clicks through to your website, they scan the page and run it through a dozen buying filters.
The first impression is crucial. Within seconds they’ll decide to stay and learn more about your products or service, or go find another business.
Then, if you survive the first few seconds… your next job is to differentiate yourself from the competition.
Your prospect wants to know if you’re just an “average” business, or if you’ve got anything special in either your product or offer.
In order to achieve this…
You MUST Develop a Strong Marketing Message…
This is absolutely crucial if you want to generate leads and make a profit online.
When done right, a powerful marketing message:
- Builds a powerful brand…
- Positions you as the leader in your market…
- Increases the perceived value of your product or service…
- And can multiply your advertising results and profits…
So… how do you create a powerful marketing message?
Well, thankfully, we’ve created some tools and techniques that make the whole process really easy. I’ll tell you more about that in just a moment…
2. Organic vs. Paid Traffic Strategies
Right now about 50% of all website traffic originates from the search engines. And this figure is even higher for local businesses.
Now, as far as search engines are concerned, Google practically owns the Internet! So Google is really important to your overall marketing strategy.
There are two forms of search engine marketing – The first is Organic search, otherwise know as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). And the second is Pay-Per-Click (PPC).
Both SEO and PPC are forms of keyword marketing. And they both share a lot of similarities.
However… and this is really important…
There are some major differences between SEO and PPC. And this has become even more important in the last couple of years.
If you use the same website strategy for your SEO and PPC traffic, then you’ll generate fewer leads and make less sales.
And at worst…
Your Advertising Will Fail!
You see, Google have very strict rules for their Organic search results. They like to see websites with lots of content, and content that is structured in a very specific way.
Where as with Pay-Per-Click advertising, the rules are quite different. You have far more control over what and how you present your website and marketing message.
In fact, we’ve found that some of the factors that help you rank well in SEO, can actually hurt your results in PPC.
And believe it or not, this is actually a good thing. Few businesses and even agencies know about this.
So if you’re using these advanced strategies, and your competition isn’t… then you have the advantage.
And in business having the advantage, especially in advertising and marketing, means that you’ll generate more leads, and make more money.
O.K. now that you’re aware of the two biggest problems… now I’m going to give you…
3 Tips For High Converting Landing Pages…
We’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars figuring out what works and what doesn’t.
And what you’re about to learn are the three most important components of your landing page.
#1: Attention Grabbing Headline
Your prospect will make a decision about your website in less than 5 seconds. The first job of your landing page is to grab their attention, then get the prospect to take action.
Studies in print media show that we are five times more likely to read headlines than read the body copy. So give your landing page a headline.
Expect that they will only glimpses at your website… so make your headline the first thing they see. Place it at the top of the page. Make it big and bold so it sells from just a glimpse!
Of course, nobody buys from just a glimpse. The goal of your headline is to stop them in their tracks, then compel them to keep reading.
#2: Eliminate Distractions
Your prospect could be browsing your website while among the distractions of a busy office… or at home with the family and background noise.
At any moment they could get pulled away, and you’ll lose their attention and the sale.
Don’t add to their distractions by sending them to a busy landing page.
Simple landing page designs work best. Make it obvious where to start. Then use design cue’s to draw attention to key areas.
Also, limit the navigation links. Tests prove that landing pages with lots of navigation links have lower conversion rates than pages without.
While lots of content can benefit your SEO strategy, it is quite unnecessary in paid traffic.
Now think about this… if your prospect has to navigate to another page to get the complete sales message, then some prospects will not see it, and you’ll lose the sale.
Make your landing page a complete stand-alone sales message. And give it everything it needs to get action.
#3: Get Them To Take Action NOW
On average only 5% of website visitors convert to a lead. Even with the best intentions, many of those who leave your website will never return.
The fact is… people will buy when they’re ready to buy. Not when you’re ready to sell!
The majority of website visitors are not ready to buy on the first visit. And you need some way to get them to take action. So you can capture the lead, follow up, and bring them back when they’re ready.
For example,
There’s A Sneaky “Hidden Reason” I Wrote This For You…
The first (and primary) reason is to introduce you to the untapped profits locked away in your website.
If you follow these tips, you can dramatically improve your website and advertising results.
The second purpose of this article was to get you to say, “well gee, this makes sense! I can see how this would work. Tell me more!”
And if that sounds like you,
Here’s Something You’ll REALLY Like!
We’ve created a marketing message execution plan, and I’d like you to have it for free.
Here’s what you’ll get from the session:
- 2 High converting landing page templates… and how to use them to turn your website into one giant lead funnel…
- Step-by-step instructions on how to construct a killer marketing message…
- The invisible selling-strategy that turns hard-to-sell prospects into customers…
- 5 Types of lead magnets that convert traffic into leads…
- The 3 word language pattern that transforms dull and boring website content into words that sell…
- 5 Proven headline formulas that grab your prospects attention and pull them into you website content…
- How to launch changes to your website in a way that guarantees you increase sales and profits…
The session itself is 45-60 minutes. We’ll meet with you in-person or over the phone, and walk you through each step in creating a powerful marketing message.
Here’s How To Get This FREE.
First, click here to register.
Just fill out the form and one of the team will contact you. Then we’ll schedule a time to go though the session and build your conversion strategy.
So if you’d like to build a powerful brand, position your business as the leader in your market, and turn your website into a powerful lead and sales funnel, register for this free session now.
Click the button below and fill out the form to take your first step towards building a lead-generation funnel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still sitting on the fence? Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions…
What is a Landing Page?
Google defines a landing page as –
“A web page that serves as the entry point for a website or a particular section of a website.”
Your Landing Page is crucial to the success of your advertising. Small changes to the Landing Page design and sales message can dramatically improve in results.
And thanks to tracking and testing tools we now know a lot about how to convert traffic into leads.
There’s a formula to good Landing Page design. If you’re not using proven Landing Page designs, then your leaving money on the table.
Why free?
Well, there are two reasons…
Firstly, these Landing Pages are templates, so we don’t have any design or customisation costs.
And second, our industry is flooded with Digital Agencies that over promise and under deliver.
So we decided to do something special that no other agencies are offering… by giving away something of real value (worth thousands of dollars) before you even become a client.
In fact, even if you never do business with us, we want you to remember Click Profits as the agency that over delivers in the market..
What is a Marketing Execution Plan?
The Marketing Execution Plan is a one hour consultation where we walk you through how to create a powerful marketing message!
In the consultation we’ll explain the key leverage points in your marketing message. Then give you some winning examples and how to use them as a template for your business.
At the end of the session you’ll have a blueprint and tonnes of ideas that you can plug into your new Landing Page strategy to boost profits.
How long before I see results?
When you launch your new landing page it can give you an immediate bump in leads.
It’s not uncommon for clients to double (and more) their advertising results thanks to our Landing Page strategy.
In our meeting we’ll explain some advanced techniques, as well as one particular launch strategy that guarantees you only accept changes that increase profits.