About Hills Laser Centre



Business Type


Employee Count




Hills Laser Centre Performance


Conversion Rate

From Zero to 24.3% Lead Conversion Rate

Hills Laser Centre provide beauty and cosmetic services. They have a premium service focused on quality and satisfaction.

The Business Challenge

Online advertising is highly competitive. In every market there are dozens of advertisers competing for attention. Many of them adopt a low-price marketing strategy to win the sale.

With the rising cost of business, profit margins are squeezed for every dollar. It’s impossible for some advertisers to make a profit.

This was the story for Hills Laser and Beauty Centre. In the fiercely competitive beauty market, they faced multiple competitors driving “low-price”.

As a premium provider, Hills Laser Centre could not compete. Their online advertising results declined. In some months their website failed to generate a single lead.

How Click Profits Helped

Click Profits analysed their website and market. Then, deployed a high-converting landing page and irresistible offer. We aimed to give new clients an experience they’d love.

The Result

The new landing page gave an immediate boost in leads. From zero leads with the previous online strategy, to 24.3% lead conversion rate with the new high converting landing page.

CTA: CM Tripwire

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