Google Ads Management

Get Started

Thanks to Click Profits we increased our website leads by 128%. Our average cost-per-lead dropped from $52.26 down to $22.92. And it continued to fall to as low as $12.

Warwick McCormick – Envirospray

Since working with Click Profits we’ve achieved regular gains with our website. Last August was an all-time record month with over 171 enquiries. And we’re up more than 100% year-on-year!

Frances Wong – The Vein and Skin Centre


Target your ideal prospect

We use eight targeting filters to narrow in on your ideal prospect. Then send them to your website when they’re ready to buy.

Only pay for results

Only prospects that match our targeting filters will see your ad. You pay a per-click fee when a prospect clicks through to your website.

Scalable traffic

Pay-Per-Click advertising is scaleable. You can start with a small budget and grow your traffic to achieve your revenue goals.

Prove ROI beyond doubt

Get report metrics including cost-per-lead, phone calls, form enquiries, and online sales that originate from your campaign.

Traffic Segmentation

Narrow in on your prospects needs and desires

Campaign Structure is the foundation of every successful campaign. Not surprisingly, agencies and marketers disagree on what the best structure should be.

Segmentation is a structural strategy that gives advertisers maximum control. Benefits of Campaign Segmentation include:

  • Allocate budgets (and other targeting filters) by product and service. So you can prioritise your spend to high priority products.
  • Create product specific text ads that speak to the need, want or desire of the prospect. So you can increase ad click-through-rate (CTR) and Google Quality Score (resulting in lower cost-per-click).
  • Optimise keywords for profit (not just conversion rate).

Goal Tracking

Track all leads that originate from your campaign

Google’s standard metrics include spend, impressions, average position, clicks, cost-per-click, and search terms. While these metrics are useful, they don’t tell you if the campaign is profitable.

With our software integrations we track all leads that originate from the campaign. These include:

  • Dynamic Call Tracking – replaces your phone number with a unique call tracking number only visible to prospects that click through from your Google ad.
  • Online Goal Conversions – Online purchases, contact form submissions, sign-ups, downloads, and views of key pages.
  • Google Analytics Integration – Sharing of cost and performance metrics so you can see how users interact with your website.

Conversion-Based Optimisation

Focus your marketing budget where it gets the highest return-on-investment

On average about 5% of website visitors convert to a lead. Through Conversion-Based Optimisation we can double (and more) your baseline result. This is achieved by:

  • Removing low-converting keywords that loose money (cost more in clicks than they generate back in profit).
  • Retargeting ad spend to keywords that generate the most leads and profit.
  • Split-testing text ads to (1) increase traffic on top keywords, and (2) improve Quality Score in order to decrease cost-per-click and increase ad rank.

Transparent Reporting

Make decisions based on clear results

Receive a notification whenever your campaign generates a phone lead. Or, view detailed call reports from our online reporting platform. Report metrics include: call volumes, caller ID, call time and date, caller location, call duration, call recording (optional) and more.

Each month you’ll receive a Campaign Overview Report with a 5-minute health check of your campaign. And for more detailed reporting, we integrate with Google Analytics. From there you have real-time reporting so you can analyse your traffic, and make informed decisions about the performance of your website.

Conversion-Based Optimisation

Solutions for beginner and advanced marketers

We have beginner and advanced Google Ads solutions.

Free Google Ads Campaign Audit

Spot problems with your campaign and learn how to increase your ROI.

7-Day AdWords Trial

Run a 7-day AdWords campaign trial to see how your website performs on Google.

Watch Video


Conversion Rate
